The most fast remedies for improving the power

One of the diseases in men, which occurs most often in middle-aged and older, it is impotence, that is to say, the inability to maintain an erection sufficient for sexual intercourse, or even a lack of erection. Such a problem can be resolved with the help of medication. But men, think about the side effects of the use of medicines, consider medicines to improve potency quickly and efficiently help.

This difficult problem may add to the troubles of the private life of the two partners. "Disappointment" may occur with any young man after strong fatigue, stress, lack of minerals and vitamins, as well as very best natural active substances in the body. The cause can serve as the abuse of alcohol and even the lack of sleep.

The fastest of folk remedies power

remedies to improve power

Mother nature has dedicated to the men so-called aphrodisiacs substances that can in the short, almost instantly, the duration of having a highly stimulating effect on the man. They have been used since ancient times to enhance sexual desire and, most importantly, opportunities. These products contain substances that increase the amount of emission of sexual hormones and the blood flow to the genitals. They act quickly in a few hours.

Consider aphrodisiac in more detail:

  • Garlic contains the mineral selenium. Its useful properties are aimed at enhanced blood circulation in the organs, which increases the power and extends the time of the erection;
  • Arc — on properties similar to garlic.
  • Celery contains the hormone responsible for the activity and secondary sexual characteristics (androsterone);
  • Persil — regulates the hormonal balance of the male body with substances allowing to increase the level of testosterone (male hormone) — apigenin;
  • Fennel has the property to expand the blood vessels, which causes an influx of blood to the male organs. Also contains vitamins and minerals;
  • The honey and nuts — is there a natural Viagra, contributing to the production of testosterone;
  • Mussels and oysters contain a lot of zinc. Several pieces of oysters give necessary of the standard zinc for the man.
  • Ginger — in addition to the improvement of the power, can reduce blood pressure and cholesterol in men.

Spices, to enhance the male power: the curry and cloves, also vanilla, thyme, and rosemary. You can add in cooked dishes or to use in the preparation of herbal decoctions.

Recipes of remedies to enhance the possibilities of men:

  1. A drink made of honey and red wine is a blend known to the Ancient Russia. Mix the honey, red wine, and the aloe juice in a ratio of 3:2:1, you can add seeds of persil. The mixture is brewed within a period of 12 days.
  2. A drink made of honey and carrot juice, it is better to also add the ginger. For the drink is made of 0.5 kg of walnuts, 300 g of honey and 100 ml of aloe juice or carrots. Need to drink before the meal 30 g
  3. The hot wine to the strengthening of the power — a glass of red wine and dried fruit. First, a mixture of dried fruit (raisins, prunes, dried apricots — each 100g) with 1 tablespoon of sugar, it is desirable to add the cardamom and the cinnamon, you can add other spices. The mixture pour in the red wine and heat to low heat for an hour. Consume better, or before dinner, or for a quick impact before the beginning of the sexual act. The effect will be instantaneous.
  4. Honey appliques are. First, 200 g of honey diluted in 1 litre of warm water, then moistened with a solution of towel is applied to the base of the male organ. The best you can do per day two times per 10 minutes.
  5. A decoction of ginseng. This plant is not for nothing called "the root of love". For the decoction of 100g of root poured 0.5 liters of water and brewed for 2 days. The mixture is then need to be cooked 4 hours on low heat, add 1 cl.tablespoons of honey and cinnamon. The broth is after meals for 100 g
  6. Also impotence are updated decoctions, or other types of potions from the root of calamus, dubrovnik and nettle. For example, one of the variants of the increase of the strength of the men — mix the seeds of nettle and softened prior to the banana, and quite delicious.

That's the bottom line?

increase of the power

In the treatment of male impotence folk remedies, it is necessary to remember some recommendations to help get rid of this problem, not only by the use of special herbs and drinks:

  • The man must adhere to a healthy lifestyle, sleep at least 8 hours per day, to lead an active life, eating well;
  • You have to completely eliminate alcohol, on the possibilities of reducing the consumption of coffee and tea, fatty foods and fried;
  • The diet must be present fruits and raw vegetables, root vegetables (especially radish, daikon, beets, carrots, ginger);
  • The medicinal properties of honey and nuts (up to 1 cup per day, washed down with goat milk) that enhances the men the desire and the ability;
  • In the calendar the week you need to put a "day" or the day of the receipt of the "bath of the sun" (especially in summer).

And finally...

Popular recipes and recommendations to the decisions of this intimate of the question, there is a wide variety. Pick up need you-and by the experience. Find your own your favorite recipe to improve the manhood, it must not be forgotten that the deputy principal to strengthen the male power — it is love.

The love of you, and the more the strength of the men!